NA 009

DIN Standards Committee Information and Documentation

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Projects of NA 009

Number: 45

ISO/DTS 24574 2023-11-28 Document management applications - Specification for a digital safe More  Comment 
AWI IWA 44 2023-11-16 Unique Media Identifier (UMId) for distribution channels and brands More  Comment 
DIN ISO 21110 2023-11-07 Information and documentation - Emergency preparedness and response More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 9706 2023-10-10 Information and documentation - Paper for documents - Requirements for permanence (ISO/DIS 9706:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 9706:2024 More  Comment 
DIN 33906 2023-09-04 Information and documentation - Romanization of the Syriac Alphabet More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 15801 2023-08-10 Document management - Electronically stored information - Requirements for trustworthiness and reliability More  Comment 
ISO/AWI TS 17955 2023-07-12 Information and documentation - Information Governance - Implementation framework More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 233-1 2023-05-26 Information and Documentation - Part 1: Arabic language - Transliteration More  Comment 
ISO/CD 9985 2023-05-26 Information and documentation - Transliteration of Armenian characters into Latin characters More  Comment 
ISO/CD 9984 2023-05-26 Information and documentation - Transliteration of Georgian characters into Latin characters More  Comment