NA 042

DIN Standards Committee Timber and Furniture

DIN EN 313-2 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
BFS Merkblatt Nr. 18 2022-04 Beschichtungen auf Holz und Holzwerkstoffen im Außenbereich More 
DIN 68330 2016-06 Veneers - Terms and definitions More 
DIN 68705-2 2016-03 Plywood - Part 2: Blockboard and laminboard for general use More 
DIN 68707 2016-10 Molded plywood and laminated wood for furniture - Requirements for dimensions and quality features More 
DIN 68740-2 2016-07 Panels - Part 2: Veneer outer layers on wood-based panels More 
DIN 68791 2016-08 Large area shuttering panels of core plywood for concrete and reinforced concrete More 
DIN 68792 2016-08 Large area shuttering panels of veneer plywood for concrete and reinforced concrete More 
DIN 68885 2016-10 Tables for domestic use - Performance characteristics - Requirements More