NA 042

DIN Standards Committee Timber and Furniture

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 152
Wood preservatives - Determination of the protective effectiveness of a preservative treatment against blue stain in wood in service - Laboratory method; German version EN 152:2011

Title (German)

Holzschutzmittel - Bestimmung der vorbeugenden Wirksamkeit einer Schutzbehandlung von verarbeitetem Holz gegen Bläuepilze - Laboratoriumsverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 152:2011


This European Standard specifies a method which is only suitable for testing preparations and systems which are intended to prevent the occurrence of blue stain fungi in wood in service. It is not suitable for assessing the temporary preventive effectiveness of anti-stain preservatives on round wood or on freshly cut wood. The method is not intended for the determination of the fungicidal properties of the surface coating applied to the wood after the priming coat. This European Standard lays down a method for determining the effectiveness of a preparation applied by, for example, brushing, spraying, spraying tunnel, dipping or vacuum and pressure treatments resulting in an equivalent retention of product in preventing the development of blue stain fungi in wood in service. It is also applicable where a primer paint is used in conjunction with the preservative system). This method is applicable to the following types of preparations or systems: - type A: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used in conjunction with unspecified varnishes or paint coatings; or - type B: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used in conjunction with specified varnishes or paint coatings; or - type C: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used without any subsequent paint, varnish or other coating. The test method described in this European Standard is a laboratory method combined with pre-conditioning (natural or artificial weathering), which provides a basis for assessment of the effectiveness of a wood preservative or wood preservative systems in preventing the development of blue stain fungi in wood in service where disfigurement can be considered important, such as external decorative timber and joinery. The method permits the determination of the effectiveness of undiluted preservatives and may also be used to test preparations in which the proportions of the individual components (active ingredients) have been varied and so establish for the active ingredients the limit of their effectiveness. It should be used to assess the value of the protection, taking into account the method of application and in particular the suppliers specifications. It is recommended that the results of these tests should be supplemented by further suitable tests and especially by practical experience. With regard to EN 152-1:1988 and EN 152-2:1988, specifications for the test specimens used in the diverse biological tests have been harmonized. Part 1 relating to the brushing procedure and Part 2 concerning the application by methods other than brushing have been merged. The terms given in DIN EN 1001-1 and the definitions of DIN EN 1001-2 have been taken into account. An informative Annex has been introduced to take account of consideration for minimization of environmental and health hazards caused by the use of this biological test. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 042-03-06 AA "Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 38 und ISO/TC 165/SC 1 Dauerhaftigkeit von Holz und Holzprodukten" ("Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 38 and ISO/TC 165/SC 1 Durability of wood and wood-based products") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 042-03-06 AA - Mirror committee for CEN/TC 38 durability of wood and wood products  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 38/WG 23 - Fungal testing (basidiomycetes-microfungi)  

Edition 2012-02
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 127.10 €
Table of contents



Bernd Trepkau

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2397
Fax: +49 30 2601-42397

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