NA 045

DIN Standards Committee Elastomer Technology

DIN 22117 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN 22100-7 Edition 2011-08 Title Articles and materials from synthetics for use in underground mines - Part 7: Safety requirements, testing, marking More 
Document number DIN 22109-1 Edition 2015-03 Title Conveyor belts with textile plies for coalmining - Part 1: Monopoly belts for underground applications - Dimensions, requirements More 
Document number DIN 22109-2 Edition 2015-03 Title Conveyor belts with textile plies for coalmining - Part 2: Rubber-belts with two plies for underground applications - Dimensions, requirements More 
Document number DIN 22109-6 Edition 2016-03 Title Conveyor belts with textile plies for coalmining - Part 6: Testing More 
Document number DIN EN 61144 ; VDE 0380-3:1994-06 Edition 1994-06 Title Test method for the determination of oxygen index of insulating liquids (IEC 61144:1992); German version EN 61144:1993 More 
Document number DIN 22129-1 Edition 1988-02 Title Steel cord conveyor belts for underground coalmining; dimensions, requirements More 
Document number DIN 22129-3 Edition 1988-02 Title Steelcord conveyor belts for underground coalmining; testing More