NA 045

DIN Standards Committee Elastomer Technology

European committees of NA 045

European comittees in which this committee is active are listed below. A link to the committee's work area (password-protected) is given under "platform".

Number: 14

Committee ID Name Plattform Mirror committee
Committee ID CEN/TC 188
Secretariat: SNV
Name Conveyor belts Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-05 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 188/WG 3
Secretariat: BSI
Name Safety requirements for conveyor belting Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-05 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 208
Secretariat: BSI
Name Elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and pipelines Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-09 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 208/WG 1
Secretariat: DIN
Name Elastomeric seals for hot and cold water and waste water Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-09 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 208/WG 2
Secretariat: IPQ
Name Elastomeric seals for gas, hydrocarbons and other fluids Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-09 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 218
Secretariat: BSI
Name Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-12 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 218/WG 2
Secretariat: DIN
Name Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies for hydraulic applications Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-12 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 218/WG 4
Secretariat: BSI
Name Basic specifications and test methods for rubber and plastics hoses, hose assemblies and tubing Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-02-12 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 366
Secretariat: UNI
Name Materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres (ELT) Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-01-02 AA
Committee ID CEN/TC 366/WG 1
Secretariat: UNI
Name Validation of CEN/TS 14243 Plattform URL Mirror committee NA 045-01-02 AA