NA 140

DIN Standards Committee Electrical Engineering

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 96915-190
Non-rechargeable batteries - Part 190: Lithium batteries, battery 14 V 8 Ah, detail standard; Text in German and English

Title (German)

Nicht wiederaufladbare Batterien - Teil 190: Lithium-Batterien, Batterie 14 V 8 Ah, Bauartnorm; Text Deutsch und Englisch


This standard is a detail standard for non-rechargeable lithium batteries 14 V 8 Ah subject to type testing. The standard applies in conjunction with the generic standard VG 96915-2 and specifies the special technical requirements for the lithium battery such as dimensions, materials, electrical data, load profiles as well as special tests and test plans for the type test or storage test. Information on the marking and packaging of the lithium batteries is also included. The standard has been prepared up by DIN Standards Committee Electrical Engineering (NE), Working Committee NA 140-00-03 AA "Batterien" ("Batteries").

Responsible national committee

NA 140-00-03 AA - Batteries  

Edition 2015-11
Original language German , English
Price from 127.10 €
Table of contents


Petra Weise

Hohenzollernstr. 18
56068 Koblenz

Tel.: +49 261 30333-12

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