NA 118

DIN Standards Committee Rolling Bearings and Plain Bearings

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN ISO 12090-2
Rolling bearings - Profiled rail guides for linear motion rolling bearings - Part 2: Boundary dimensions and tolerances for series 4 and 5 (ISO 12090-2:2011)

Title (German)

Wälzlager - Profilschienenführungen mit kompakten Kugel- oder Rollenumwagen - Teil 2: Maße und Toleranzen für Serie 4 und 5 (ISO 12090-2:2011)


This standard specifies the boundary dimensions and tolerances for series 4 and 5 of profiled rail systems with recirculating rolling elements. These bearings consist of profiled rails and carriages with rolling element recirculation, which can support loads from all directions and can support moments around all axes. The internal structure, such as the design of the raceways, rolling elements and rolling element recirculation, is at the discretion of the manufacturer. An assembly as specified by the manufacturer may comprise one or more carriages on a profiled rail. Therefore the interchange or combination of these elements can only be carried out within the limits permitted by the manufacturer. The text of ISO 12090-2:2011 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 4 "Rolling bearings" of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The responsible national committee is NA 118-01-11 AA "Linear-Wälzlager einschließlich Teile und Zubehör" ("Linear motion rolling bearings including parts and supplies ") at DIN Standards Committee Rolling Bearings and Plain Bearings (NAWGL).

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 118-01-11 AA - Linear motion rolling bearings including parts and supplies  

Edition 2016-08
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 65.70 €
Table of contents


Jonas Boye

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2027
Fax: +49 30 2601-42027

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