NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN ISO 15685
Soil quality - Determination of potential nitrification and inhibition of nitrification - Rapid test by ammonium oxidation (ISO 15685:2012)

Title (German)

Bodenbeschaffenheit - Bestimmung der potentiellen Nitrifizierung und Hemmung der Nitrifizierung - Schnellverfahren mittels Ammoniumoxidation (ISO 15685:2012)


This International Standard specifies a rapid method for the determination of the potential rate of ammonium oxidation and inhibition of nitrification in soils. This method is suitable for all soils containing a population of nitrifying microorganisms. It can be used as a rapid screening test for monitoring soil quality and quality of wastes, and is suitable for testing the effects of cultivation methods, additional chemical substances and pollution in soils. Ammonium oxidation, the first step in autotrophic nitrification in soil, is used to assess the potential activity of microbial nitrifying populations. Autotrophic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria are exposed to ammonium sulfate in a soil slurry buffered at pH 7,2. Chemical test substances, extracts of biosolids and also polluted soils of various concentrations can be added to the slurry. Oxidation of the nitrite performed by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the slurry is inhibited by the addition of sodium chlorate. The subsequent accumulation of nitrite is measured over a 6 h incubation period, and is taken as an estimate of the potential activity of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria. As the generation time of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria is long (> 10 h), the method provides a measure of the potential activity of the nitrifying population at the time of sampling. It does not measure growth of the nitrifying population taken as a sample. Nitrite can be measured quickly and exactly; for this reason the method is quick, exact, reproducible and cost-effective. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 119-01-02-04 UA "Biologische Verfahren" ("Biological Methods") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 119-08-04 AA - Biological methods  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 190/SC 4/WG 4 - Effects on soil micro-organisms  

Edition 2012-12
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Joana Gericke

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2387
Fax: +49 30 2601-42387

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