NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 10223-6
Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 6: Steel wire chain link fencing; German version EN 10223-6:2012

Title (German)

Stahldraht und Drahterzeugnisse für Zäune und Drahtgeflechte - Teil 6: Stahldrahtgeflecht mit viereckigen Maschen; Deutsche Fassung EN 10223-6:2012


The parts of the standard series DIN EN 10223 "Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting" are revisions of existing standards. With respect to the previous editions the standard series has been supplemented by Part 8 "Welded mesh gabion products". This part will be published later together with Part 3. Standard DIN EN 10223-1 specifies zinc coated or zinc alloy coated steel barbed wire, conventional and reverse twist consisting of two stranded line wires, around which the barbs are tightly wound, a twist being imparted between the barbs to restrict their movement. The barbed wire entanglement has a single line wire, around which the barbs are wound. There are many types of barbed wire. This standard specifies three types of barbed wire, conventional ©, reverse twist (RT) and barbed wire entanglement (BWE). Drawings of typical conventional and reverse twist barbed wire are given for information in Annex A. Standard DIN EN 10223-2 specifies requirements for the dimensions, coatings, test methods and delivery conditions for steel wire netting having meshes of hexagonal shape specified for agricultural, insulation and fencing purposes. Standard DIN EN 10223-3 specifies requirements for the dimensions, coatings, test methods and delivery conditions for steel wire netting having meshes of hexagonal shape specified for engineering purposes. Standard DIN EN 10223-4 contains requirements for steel wire welded mesh fencing of which there are many types for a variety of applications. This part specifies the general characteristics of welded mesh fencing supplied as rolls or panels and coatings, properties and tolerances. The standard covers only orthogonal welded mesh, that is wire welded at right angles to one another. For welded mesh fencing made from panels the specification covers only panels made from wires not greater than 10 mm. Standard DIN EN 10223-5 specifies preferred dimensions, coatings, test methods and delivery conditions for zinc and zinc alloy coated steel wire woven hinged joint and knotted mesh fencing. Standard DIN EN 10223-6 specifies dimensions, coatings, test methods and delivery conditions for steel wire chain link fencing. Standard DIN EN 10223-7 specifies requirements for steel wire welded mesh panels for fencing. The panels are used, for example, for fencing parks, schools, sport stadia, public buildings, factories, airports, military sites. The standard also specifies the general characteristics of welded mesh supplied as panels and recommended coatings, properties and tolerances. It is applicable to panels made from round or shaped wires not thicker than 10 mm. The panels have round, rectangular or triangular vertical wires and double horizontal wires. The use of V-shaped vertical wires is optional. Standard DIN EN 10223-8 specifies requirements for the mechanical properties, dimensions, coatings, test methods and delivery conditions of welded mesh gabions products. The general meaning of welded mesh gabion is a metallic box made of welded wire mesh filled with stones. Only the characteristics of the metallic cage are subject of this standard. Filling materials, for example, armourstone, are covered in other standards. The standard covers gabions produced from wire fabric coated with metal or stainless wire for spiral binders, lacing wires and bracings used for composition of the product. The fabric with metallic coating and the bracing tie may be coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The European Standards have been prepared by ECISS/TC 106 "Wire rod and wires", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR, France. The responsible national mirror committee is Working Committee NA 099-00-01 AA "Stahldraht" ("Steel wire") at the Steel Wire and Wire Products Standards Committee (NAD) of DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 099-00-01 AA - Steel wire  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 459/SC 6 - Wire rod and wires  

Edition 2013-02
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 50.70 €
Table of contents


Katharina Lachmann

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2450
Fax: +49 30 2601-42450

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