NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

DIN 19657 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 18320 2019-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Landscape works More 
DIN 19664 2023-01 River bottom structures in hydraulic engineering More 
DIN 4047-7 1993-01 Water engineering of agricultural lands; terms; erosion control More 
DIN 1184-1 1992-03 Pumping stations; design, construction and operation More 
DIN 18918 2021-08 Vegetation technology in landscaping - Biological methods of site stabilization - Stabilization by seeding and planting, stabilization by means of living plant material, dead material and building elements, combined construction methods More 
DIN 19663 1985-06 Torrent control; terms, planning and construction More 
DVWK 226 ; ATV-DVWK 226:1993 1993 Landschaftsökologische Gesichtspunkte bei Flußdeichen More 
DWA-A 166 2013-11 Bauwerke der zentralen Regenwasserbehandlung und -rückhaltung - Konstruktive Gestaltung und Ausrüstung More 
DWA-M 176 2013-11 Hinweise zur konstruktiven Gestaltung und Ausrüstung von Bauwerken der zentralen Regenwasserbehandlung und -rückhaltung More 
DWA-M 507-1 2011-12 Levees Built Along Watercourses - Part 1: Planning, Construction and Operation More