NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 19698-2
Characterization of solids - Sampling of solid and semi-solid materials - Part 2: Guidance for taking samples of stockpiles for integral characterisation

Title (German)

Untersuchung von Feststoffen - Probenahme von festen und stichfesten Materialien - Teil 2: Anleitung für die Entnahme von Proben zur integralen Charakterisierung von Haufwerken


DIN 19698-2 is intended to introduce binding rules for the uniform procedure for taking samples for physical, chemical and biological investigations of solids in stockpiles - especially with regard to their recycling or disposal. On the basis of statistically justified criteria DIN 19698-2 describes the taking of individual samples and the provision of defined representative laboratory samples from a total composite sample to determine the average properties/condition of a stockpile (= integral characterization). On the basis of these statistical criteria the number of samples to be taken and the number of samples to be tested, and thus the cost of sampling, can be optimized. The representativeness of the samples/sampling can be checked/proven using a statistically derived procedure. Part 1 of the DIN 19698 series of standards describes the segment-oriented taking of samples from stockpiles in the event that the variability of a characteristic in the stockpiles is to be determined at the same time. For this purpose, a partial composite sample consisting of at least 4 individual samples is compiled for each segment (the number of which depends on the total volume of the stockpile). Since the typical composition of solid materials ranges from homogeneous to extremely heterogeneous in their grain size or lumpiness and material composition or content, the determination of average material characteristics can only be carried out with approximate reliability on the basis of a statistically sufficient number of samples, depending on the volume of the stockpile. In practice, only a completely inadequate number of samples in statistical terms are taken and examined for superficial reasons (supposed savings in sampling and examination costs). First of all, the dangers of misjudgment and misclassification are disregarded, which on the one hand can lead to immense consequential costs due to a possibly unnecessarily higher disposal level and on the other hand to irreversible consequential damage to the environment. Secondly, this unregulated approach results in extreme distortions in the competition between samplers and disposal companies. Ultimately, waste is a matter of evaluation with regard to the required level of disposal and, if necessary, judicial assessment of environmental offences. In addition to DIN 19698-1, DIN 19698-2 is intended to be a further guide for waste producers and waste recyclers, samplers, disposers, landfill operators, official control and monitoring measures. Its application serves environmental protection. It is a generic standard with a wide scope of application in the field of waste disposal. The benefit for waste management is the objectification of both the sampling effort and the waste evaluation. On the one hand, the waste producer may save costs, but higher disposal costs than expected may also result. On the other hand, consequential damages can be avoided as well as the possibly required subsequent remediation costs can be saved. The analytical examination of the samples and the evaluation of the results are not the subject of this standard/series of standards. This standard is related to the legal regulations laid down in the German Landfill Ordinance (DepV). Insofar as other legal regulations have already been laid down for other areas of law, these are not voided or restricted by this standard. The committee NA 119-01-02-01 UA "Probenahme" ("Sampling") at DIN is responsible for this standard. Ordinance on Landfills and Long-term Storage Facilities (German Landfill Ordinance - DepV) DepV, date of issue: 27 April 2009 Full citation: German Landfill Ordinance of 27 April 2009 (German Official Federal Gazette (BGBl.)) I p. 900), last amended by Article 7 of the Ordinance from 2 May 2013 (German Official Federal Gazette (BGBl.)) I p. 973).

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 119-08-01 AA - Sampling  

Edition 2016-12
Original language German
Price from 102.10 €
Table of contents


Theresa Geßwein

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2832
Fax: +49 30 2601-42832

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