DIN Standards Committee Water Practice
; DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15996:2010-05
Hydrometry - Measurement of snow water equivalent using snow mass registration devices; German version CEN/TR 15996:2010
Hydrometrie - Messung des Wasserwertes der Gesamtschneedecke unter Verwendung eines Gerätes zur Erfassung der Schneemasse; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TR 15996:2010
Technical Report
This Technical Reports defines the requirements for the use of snow mass registration devices for measurement of snow water equivalent under natural environmental conditions. It includes weighing and pressure measuring methods. Snow water equivalent is the height of water that would be obtained by melting the snowpack on a corresponding surface area. Knowledge of the SWE is essential for estimation of total runoff and flood forecasting in river basins where snowfall occurs. The works have been carried out by Working Group "Messung des Schneewasseräquivalents" ("Measurement of Snow Water Equivalent") (WG 11) of CEN/TC 318. German Working Committee NA 119-06-10 AA "Hydrometrie" ("Hydrometry") of Water Practice Standards Committee (NAW) has been involved in the revision of the standard.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 119-09-10 AA - Hydrometry (CEN/TC 318, ISO/TC 113)