NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

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Publications of NA 119

Number: 2,190

DIN 38405-4 1985-07 Standard German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; anions (group D); determination of fluoride (D 4) More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 38402-12 1985-06 Standard German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; general information (group A); sampling from barrages and lakes (A 12) More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 19663 1985-06 Standard Torrent control; terms, planning and construction More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 38414-8 1985-06 Standard German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; sludge and sediments (group S); determination of the amenability to anaerobic digestion (S 8) More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 7888 1985-05 Standard Water quality; Determination of electrical conductivity More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 7875-2 1984-12 Standard Water quality; Determination of surfactants; Part 2 : Determination of non-ionic surfactants using Dragendorff reagent More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 6703-1 1984-09 Standard Water quality - Determination of cyanide - Part 1: Determination of total cyanide More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 6703-2 1984-09 Standard Water quality; Determination of cyanide; Part 2 : Determination of easily liberatable cyanide More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 6703-3 1984-09 Standard Water quality; Determination of cyanide; Part 3 : Determination of cyanogen chloride More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 6777 1984-08 Standard Water quality; Determination of nitrite; Molecular absorption spectrometric method More  Order from DIN Media