DIN Standards Committee Water Practice
Water quality - Guidance standard on survey and monitoring freshwater mussel populations and their environment
This document is intended to provide generic guidance applicable to a suite of mussel species in Europe. It will be based on best practice developed and used by experts in Europe and will describe approaches that individual countries have adopted for survey, data analysis and condition assessment. Its focus will be on the Family Unionidae, with only a brief reference to the small ‘pea clams' in the Family Sphaeriidae. In contrast to the published CEN standard on freshwater pearl mussel (EN 16859:2017), which is restricted to specific types of running waters in certain geographical regions of Europe), this new standard will cover a much wider range of methods and recommendations applicable to a diversity of geographical regions and habitats including streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs of different sizes.
Planned document number
DIN EN 18161
Project number
Responsible national committee
NA 119-09-05-06 AK - Biological-ecological water examination