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Projects of NA 119-07-08 AA

DIN EN ISO 4064-3 2023-01-05 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 3: Test report format (ISO/FDIS 4064-3:2024); German version FprEN ISO 4064-3:2024 More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 4064-4 2023-01-05 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 4: Non-metrological requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1 (ISO/DIS 4064-4:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 4064-4:2023 More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 4064-5 2023-01-05 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 5: Installation requirements (ISO/DIS 4064-5:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 4064-5:2023 More  Comment 
ISO/FDIS 4064-5 2022-12-12 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 5: Installation requirements More  Comment 
ISO 4064-3 2022-12-12 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 3: Test report format More  Comment 
ISO 4064-4 2022-12-12 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 4: Non-metrological requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1 More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 4064-2 2021-09-16 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Test methods (ISO/FDIS 4064-2:2024); German version FprEN ISO 4064-2:2024 More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 4064-1 2021-09-15 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements (ISO/FDIS 4064-1:2024); German version FprEN ISO 4064-1:2024 More  Comment 
ISO 4064-1 2021-09-01 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements More  Comment 
ISO 4064-2 2021-09-01 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Test methods More  Comment