NA 152

DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals

DIN 825-1 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number PCBAbfallReststEntsorgBek BY Edition 1994-05-04 Title Entsorgung von PCB-haltigen Reststoffen und Abfällen More 
Document number KhBauRL SL Edition 2003-03-01 Title Richtlinien über den Bau und Betrieb von Krankenhäusern (Krankenhausbaurichtlinie - KhBauR) More 
Document number BauOVV SN 1999 ; FliegBauRL SN:1999-10-26 ; SchulbauRL SN:1999-10-26 ; VkStättRL SN:1999-10-26 Edition 1999-10-26 Title Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Sächsischen Bauordnung (SächsBO); VwVSächsBO More 
Document number DIN 1451-2 Edition 1986-02 Title Typefaces; lineal linear-antiqua; lettering for transportation More 
Document number DIN 1451-4 Edition 1987-08 Title Typefaces; lineal linear-antiqua; stenciled lettering for engraving and other processes More 
Document number DIN 18091 Edition 1993-07 Title Lifts; lift landing sliding doors for lift wells with walls of the fire resistant class F 90 More 
Document number DIN 18092 Edition 1992-04 Title Lifts; vertical sliding doors for small freight carrying lifts for lift shafts with walls of the fire-resistant class F 90 More 
Document number DIN 21546 Edition 1990-08 Title Mine support; strut support; marking More 
Document number DIN 24299-1 Edition 1985-05 Title Name plates for pumps; general specification More 
Document number DIN 30683-2 Edition 1984-12 Title Gas appliances; forced air gasburners with ventilation in bakeries More