NA 152
DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals
DIN 13312 ???din.label.webdb.content.articleState.WITHDRAWN??? ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.quote.title???
???din.label.webdb.content.norm.docNr??? | ???din.label.webdb.content.issue??? | ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.title??? |
DIN 1304-1 | 1994-03 | Letter symbols for physical quantities; symbols for general use ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |
DIN 1304-2 | 1989-09 | Letter symbols for physical quantities; symbols to be used in meteorology and geophysics ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |
DIN 1315 | 1982-08 | Angle; concepts, units ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |
DIN 4049-1 | 1992-12 | Hydrology; basic terms ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |
DIN 4054 | 1977-09 | Correction of waterways; terms ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |
DIN 9020-2 | 1983-10 | Aerospace; mass breakdown for aircraft heavier than air; main mass groups and terms of mass; definitions ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |
ISO 1151-1 | 1988-04 | Flight dynamics; concepts, quantities and symbols; part 1: aircraft motion relative to the air ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? |