DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional tolerancing - Part 1: Linear sizes
This document establishes the rules to indicate linear sizes. This document establishes the default specification operator (see ISO 17450-2) and defines a special specification operator for linear sizes. This document is applicable to the following features of linear size (see ISO 17450-1): - cylinders; - spheres; - two parallel opposite planes. Annex D provides the definition of a size for a circle as section of a cone. Annex E provides the definition of sizes for circles as sections of a torus. Annex F provides the definition of sizes for parallel opposite lines as longitudinal sections of cylindrical tubes in half planes containing a specified axis. This document provides a set of tools to express several types of linear size characteristics. It does not present any information on the relationship between a function or a use and a linear size characteristic. ISO 14405-2 gives the difference between linear size, angular size and dimensions other than linear or angular sizes. ISO 14405-2 relies on this document for the rules about indication.
Planned document number
DIN EN ISO 14405-1
Project number
Responsible national committee
NA 152-03-02 AA - CEN/ISO Geometrical product specifications and verification
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 290 - Dimensional and geometrical product specification and verification
Responsible international committee
draft standard
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional tolerancing - Part 1: Linear sizes (ISO/DIS 14405-1:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 14405-1:2024
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