NA 152

DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals

About NATG

The DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals (NATG) is in its 5 sections responsible for the following standardization areas:

  • fundamentals for physics and mathematics;
  • screw threads for general use;
  • geometrical product specifications (GPS), i.e. tolerancing and verification of dimensions, form, orientation and roughness;
  • measurement of pressure, flow and temperature;
  • technical product documentation and technical drawings.

How is NATG composed?


DIN e. V.
Christiane Loser

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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New projects
Document number Begin Title
DIN ISO 8887-2 2024-12-18 Technical product documentation - Design for manufacturing, assembling, disassembling and end-of-life processing - Part 2: Vocabulary (ISO 8887-2:2023) More  Comment 
IEC/AWI 81346-8 2024-12-18 Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations - Part 8: Properties More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 9300 rev 2024-11-28 Measurement of gas flow by means of critical flow nozzles More  Comment 

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Current Draft Standards
Document number Edition Title
DIN 16287 2024-12 Caps and hoods for test connection on valves and cocks for pressure gauges More  Read draft and comment
DIN 16284 2024-12 Nipple connections for pressure gauges and their accessories More  Read draft and comment
DIN EN ISO 16610-22 2024-12 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 22: Linear profile filters: Spline filters (ISO/DIS 16610-22:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 16610-22:2024 More  Read draft and comment

All draft standards  

New publications
Document number Edition Procedure Title
IEC 81355-1 2024-12 Standard Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Classification and designation of information - Part 1: Basic rules and classification of information More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 7533 2024-11 Standard Technical product documentation (TPD) - Identification of specifications in the technical product documentation (TPD) More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 965-2 2024-11 Standard ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of sizes for internal and external threads (tolerance classes 6H and 6g for M1,6 to M100 and 5H and 6h for M1 to M1,4) More  Order from DIN Media

All publications  

Documents withdrawn without replacement
Document number Deadline for comments Title
DIN 32877-2 2024-12-31 Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Dimensional measuring equipment: Optoelectronic measurement of length - Part 2: Design characteristics and metrological characteristics for backward scattering measuring principles More  Comment 
DIN 863-2 2024-12-31 Verification of geometrical parameters - Micrometers - Part 2: Micrometer callipers heads, Depth micrometer; concepts, requirements, testing More  Comment 
DIN 863-3 2024-12-31 Verification of geometrical parameters - Micrometers - Part 3: Special design micrometer callipers for external measurement; characteristics, requirements, testing More  Comment 

All withdrawals