NA 105

DIN Standards Committee Terminology

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 9241-410
Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 410: Design criteria for physical input devices (ISO 9241-410:2008 + Amd.1:2012); German version EN ISO 9241-410:2008 + A1:2012

Title (German)

Ergonomie der Mensch-System-Interaktion - Teil 410: Gestaltungskriterien für physikalische Eingabegeräte (ISO 9241-410:2008 + Amd.1:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 9241-410:2008 + A1:2012


Input devices are a means for users to enter data into interactive systems. Generally speaking, an input device is a sensor that can detect changes in user behaviour (gestures, moving fingers, etcetera) and transform it into signals to be interpreted by the interactive system. An "input device" is regarded as the combination of hardware with the software designed to use it (for example, a driver). This part of ISO 9241 describes design criteria based on ergonomics factors for the design of physical input devices for interactive systems including keyboards, mice, pucks, joysticks, trackballs, trackpads, tablets and overlays, touch-sensitive screens, styli and light pens, and voice- and gesture-controlled devices and takes into consideration the capabilities and limitations of users. This part of ISO 9241 contains generic design criteria for physical input devices, as well as specific criteria for each type of device. Requirements for the design of products are given either as a result of context-free considerations, or else can be determined based on the specified design criteria for the intended use; such specified criteria generally having been subdivided into task-oriented categories, wherever applicable. This part of ISO 9241 does not specify the categories that are appropriate for devices as, according to the concept of usability, a product has no inherent usability. Selecting the category to which a certain property of a device belongs is subject to the design of a product. ISO 9241-410 is expected to be used by the manufacturers of physical input devices, including product designers and test organizations, in determining the design characteristics of a device for its intended context of use (user population, task, software or environment, etcetera). The data generated by the users of this part of ISO 9241 for the description of the properties of their products can be applied in the selection of a device adequate for the actual context of use on the basis of the task primitives relevant for the task of the specific user population, and for achieving the required level of efficiency and effectiveness for a given system. This Amendment refers to the new project for test methods, ISO/DTS 9241-411, which has been proposed in connection with this document and which requires a reference in ISO 9241-410 in order to ensure a correct reference. This reference shall consist of a simple clause with the title "Conformance" and contain a normative reference to ISO/TS 9241-411. Through this amendment this clause is incorporated in ISO 9241-410:2008. This document (EN ISO 9241-410/A1:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159 "Ergonomics", Subcommittee SC 4 "Ergonomics of human-system interaction", Working Group WG 3 "Controls, workplace and environmental requirements", the secretariat of which is held by DIN (Germany). Collaboration at ISO/TC 159/SC 4 "Ergonomics of human-system interaction" is performed through NA 023-00-04 GA "Gemeinschaftsausschuss NAErg/NIA: Ergonomie für Informationsverarbeitungssysteme" ("Joint Working Committee NAErg/NIA: Ergonomics for information processing systems") of the Ergonomics Standards Committee (NAErg) at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 023-00-04 GA - Joint working committee NAErg/NIA: Ergnomics for information processing systems  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 122/WG 5 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction  

Edition 2012-12
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 222.60 €
Table of contents


Batbayar Ganbaatar

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2038
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