NA 105

DIN Standards Committee Terminology

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Publications of NA 105

Number: 113

DIN ISO 11669 2025-02 Standard Translation projects - General guidance (ISO 11669:2024) More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 24617-10 2024-08 Standard Language resource management - Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) - Part 10: Visual information More  Order from DIN Media
DIN ISO 24183 2024-08 Standard Technical communication - Vocabulary (ISO 24183:2024) More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 19457 2024-07 Standard Interpreting services - Community interpreting - Requirements and recommendations More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 21720 2024-07 Standard XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) More  Order from DIN Media
DIN ISO 20539 2024-07 Standard Translation, interpreting and related technology - Vocabulary (ISO 20539:2023); Text in German and English More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 21636-1 2024-06 Standard Language coding - A framework for language varieties - Part 1: Vocabulary More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 21636-3 2024-06 Standard Language coding - A framework for language varieties - Part 3: Application of the framework More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 24620-5 2024-06 Standard Language resource management - Controlled human communication (CHC) - Part 5: Lexico-morpho-syntactic principles and methodology for personal data recognition and protection in text More  Order from DIN Media
DIN ISO 5060 2024-06 Standard Translation services - Evaluation of translation output - General guidance (ISO 5060:2024) More  Order from DIN Media