NA 105

DIN Standards Committee Terminology

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Projects of NA 105

Number: 43

DIN EN ISO 17651-3 2022-10-26 Simultaneous interpreting - Interpreters' working environment - Part 3: Requirements and recommendations for interpreting hubs (ISO/DIS 17651-3:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 17651-3:2024 More  Comment 
ISO/AWI TR 24633-1 2022-08-23 Management of terminology resources - Companion to TermBase eXchange (TBX) - Part 1: General More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 24635-1 2022-08-10 Language resource management - Corpus Annotation Project Management - Part 1: Core model More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 17651-3 2022-08-02 Simultaneous interpreting - Interpreters' working environment - Part 3: Requirements and recommendations for interpreting hubs More  Comment 
DIN CEN/CLC/TR XXXX JT021002 2022-07-19 Artificial Intelligence - Overview of Al tasks and functionalities related to natural language processing More  Comment 
ISO/CD 1951 2022-06-20 Presentation/representation of entries in dictionaries - Requirements, recommendations and information More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 24611-1 2022-06-01 Language resource management - Morphosyntactic annotation framework (MAF) - Part 1: Core model More  Comment 
ISO 24617-12 2022-03-07 Language resource management - Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) - Part 12: Quantification More  Comment 
ISO/AWI TR 24633-3 2021-12-07 Management of terminology resources - Companion to TermBase eXchange (TBX) - Part 3: RDF representation for TBX core More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 20109 2021-11-09 Simultaneous interpreting - Equipment - Requirements (ISO/DIS 20109:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 20109:2023 More  Comment