NA 105

DIN Standards Committee Terminology

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Projects of NA 105

Number: 43

ISO/PWI TR 18398 2023-12-22 Management of terminology resources - Microcontent entities More  Comment 
ISO/CD 18587 2023-10-30 Translation services - Post-editing of machine translation output - Requirements More  Comment 
ISO/CD 18841 2023-10-20 Interpreting services - General requirements and recommendations More  Comment 
ISO/IEC AWI 23282 2023-10-05 Artificial Intelligence - Evaluation methods for accurate natural language processing systems More  Comment 
ISO/CD 24495-3 2023-09-04 Plain language - Part 3: Science writing More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 16642 2023-06-23 Management of terminology resources - Terminological markup framework More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 24617-15 2023-06-20 Language resource management - Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) - Part 15: Measurable quantitative information extraction (MQIE) More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 24495-2 2023-01-16 Plain language - Part 2: Legal communication More  Comment 
ISO/CD 18968 2022-11-24 Translation-oriented writing - Text production and text evaluation More  Comment 
DIN 2347 2022-11-23 Interpreting services - Conference interpreting - Requirements and recommendations More  Comment