NA 112

DIN Standards Committee Sports Equipment

???din.label.webdb.content.typeName.WebDbNorm??? ???din.label.webdb.content.articleState.CURRENT???

DIN EN 16899
Sports and recreational equipment - Parkour equipment - Safety requirements and test methods; German version EN 16899:2016


Sport- und Freizeitanlagen - Parkoureinrichtungen - Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 16899:2016


NA 112-07-02-02 AK - Parkour-Facilities  


CEN/TC 136 - Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment  

???din.label.webdb.content.issue??? 2018-07
???din.label.webdb.content.language.original??? ???
???din.label.webdb.content.language.translation??? ???din.label.languages.en???
???din.label.webdb.content.price??? ???din.label.webdb.content.price.text???


Till Lehmann

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

??? +49 30 2601-2015
??? +49 30 2601-42015
