NA 175

DIN Standards Committee for Organizational Processes

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Projects of NA 175

Number: 29

ISO/DIS 37303 2023-03-17 Compliance management systems - Guidelines for competence management More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 37302 2023-03-16 Compliance management systems - Guidelines for the evaluation of effectiveness More  Comment 
DIN ISO 31030 2023-02-13 Travel risk management - Guidance for organizations (ISO 31030:2021) More  Comment 
ISO/WD 22316 2023-02-03 Security and resilience - Organizational resilience - Guidelines More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 37009 2022-11-08 Conflict of interest in organizations - Guidelines More  Comment 
ISO/PRF 37001 2022-10-14 Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use More  Comment 
ISO/FDIS 37003 2022-06-08 Fraud Control Management Systems - Guidance for organizations managing the risk of fraud More  Comment 
ISO/DIS 22344 2022-03-22 Security and resilience - Protective security - Guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design for residential facilities More  Comment 
ISO/PWI 37006 2021-07-09 Indicators of Effective Organizational Governance: Guidance More  Comment