NA 175

DIN Standards Committee for Organizational Processes

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Projects of NA 175

Number: 29

ISO/AWI 28022 2024-04-05 Security and resilience ― Security management systems ― Guidelines on security management system (SMS) processes More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 22343-3 2024-04-03 Security and resilience - Vehicle security barriers - Part 3: Access control planning requirements in connection with the deployment of tested vehicle security barriers More  Comment 
ISO/CD 45010 2024-03-06 Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace - Guidance More  Comment 
ISO/WD 45008 2024-03-05 Occupational health and safety management - Guidelines for remote working More  Comment 
ISO/WD 28018 2024-03-01 Security and resilience - Security management systems - Guidelines for the application and implementation of ISO 28000 in the supply chain More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 37401 2024-02-13 Diversity management systems - Requirements with guidance for use More  Comment 
DIN ISO 22343-1 2023-10-18 Security and resilience - Vehicle security barriers - Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating (ISO 22343-1:2023) More  Comment 
DIN ISO 22343-2 2023-10-18 Security and resilience - Vehicle security barriers - Part 2: Application (ISO 22343-2:2023) More  Comment 
ISO/UNDP WD 53001 2023-10-06 Management Systems for UN Sustainable development goals - Requirements More  Comment 
ISO/CD 37200 2023-06-20 Managing the risk of modern slavery. Guidance for the prevention, identification and mitigation of human trafficking and forced labour More  Comment