NA 060

DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN 28430
Vacuum technology - Rules for the measurement of steam jet vacuum pumps and steam jet compressors - Motive fluid: steam

Title (German)

Vakuumtechnik - Messregeln zur Ermittlung von Kenndaten für Dampfstrahlvakuumpumpen und Dampfstrahlkompressoren - Treibmittel: Wasserdampf


This standard specifies terms, principles and procedures for the performance measurement and acceptance of single-stage and multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps and steam jet compressors with steam as the motive medium and gas/steam mixtures as the suction media. An equivalent performance is defined for measurements with suction media of different composition and temperature, so that the acceptance measurement and specified design data can be converted into each other. If the design data exceeds the capabilities of the acceptance test bench, procedures for model tests are defined, for example to map a strong overheating of the motive flow or high motive pressures. Performance measurements of steam jet vacuum pumps prove that the promises made by the manufacturer regarding performance, steam and water consumption are fulfilled under the required conditions, regardless of the brand. The purpose of this document is to create equal conditions for the preparation, performance, evaluation and documentation of the acceptance test. The acceptance test can be carried out at the manufacturer's premises or - if the appropriate conditions are met - at the installation site. Single-stage and multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps without intermediate condensation should be tested as a whole. Multistage steam jet vacuum pumps with intermediate condensation should only be tested if the conditions specified in 6.2 are met; otherwise they can be tested in stages. The national interests during the preparation were represented by Working Committee NA 060-07-01 AA "Vakuumpumpen" ("Vacuum pumps") at Section "Vakuumtechnik" ("Vacuum technology") at DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM). Representatives of the manufacturers and users of vacuum technology as well as professional associations were involved in the preparation.

Responsible national committee

NA 060-07-01 AA - Vacuum pumps  

Edition 2017-06
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Jürgen Eisenreich

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6603-1603
Fax: +49 69 6603-2603

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