NA 060

DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 1570-2
Safety requirements for lifting tables - Part 2: Lifting tables serving more than 2 fixed landings of a building, for lifting goods with a vertical travel speed not exceeding 0,15 m/s; German version EN 1570-2:2016

Title (German)

Sicherheitsanforderungen an Hubtische - Teil 2: Hubtische zum Heben von Gütern, die mehr als 2 Haltestellen eines Gebäudes anfahren und deren Hubgeschwindigkeit 0,15 m/s nicht überschreitet; Deutsche Fassung EN 1570-2:2016


This standard defines relevant requirements set out in Annex I of EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, relating to machines which were placed on the European Economic Area (EEA) market for the first time, with the intent of simplifying the means of proving conformity with these requirements. Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union, it is deemed a "harmonized" standard and thus, a manufacturer applying this standard may assume compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive ("presumption of conformity"). This standard incorporates the German version of EN 1570-2:2016 prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 10 "Lifts, escalators and moving walks" of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The national interests during preparation are represented by Working Committee NA 060-22-22 AA "Hubtische" ("Lifting tables") at Technical Section "Fördertechnik" ("Conveying technology") of DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering (NAM). Representatives of the manufacturers and users of lifting tables and of the employers' liability insurance associations are involved in the preparation of this standard.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 060-22-22 AA - Lifting tables  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 10/WG 12 - Lifting tables  

Edition 2017-03
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 127.10 €
Table of contents


Dieter Unger

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6603-1609

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