NA 060

DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 1493
Vehicle lifts; German version EN 1493:2010

Title (German)

Fahrzeug-Hebebühnen; Deutsche Fassung EN 1493:2010


This standard defines relevant requirements set out in Annex I of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, relating to machines which were placed on the European Economic Area (EEA) market for the first time, with the intent of simplifying the means of proving conformity with such requirements. Once this standard is designated a harmonized standard in the Official Journal of the European Communities, a manufacturer applying this standard may assume compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (the so-called presumption of conformity). This European Standard applies to stationary, mobile and movable vehicle lifts, which are not intended to lift persons, but which are designed to raise vehicles totally, for the purpose of examining and working on or under the vehicles whilst in a raised position. The vehicle lift may consist of one or more lifting-units. Power supply to the vehicle lift by internal combustion engines is not considered. The floor or ground supporting the vehicle lift in use is assumed to be horizontal. This document is applicable to vehicle lifts which are manufactured half a year after the date of its publication as an EN. This standard contains the German version of EN 1493:2010 which has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 98 "Lifting platforms" of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The standard has been adapted to the state of the art. The following amendments have been made with respect to DIN EN 1493:2009: a) the load distribution for chassis supporting vehicle lifts for road vehicles has been updated. b) Special requirements for vehicle lifts where it is permitted to stand under the load during lifting and lowering movement have been incorporated. c) Additional facilities to prevent unintentional lowering in case of leakage in the hydraulic system have been incorporated. d) Requirements for wireless controls have been incorporated. The national interests during the preparation of the standard are represented by Committee NA 060-22-23 AA "Fahrzeughebebühnen" ("Vehicle lifting devices") in the Technical Section "Fördertechnik" ("Conveyor technology") of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Manufacturers' representatives and users of vehicle lifts, as well as representatives of professional and trade associations are involved in the preparation of the standard.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 060-22-23 AA - Vehicle lifts  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 98/WG 3 - Vehicle lifting devices  

Edition 2011-02
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 156.50 €
Table of contents


Dieter Unger

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6603-1609

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