NA 060

DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 115-2
Safety of escalators and moving walks - Part 2: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing escalators and moving walks; German version EN 115-2:2010

Title (German)

Sicherheit von Fahrtreppen und Fahrsteigen - Teil 2: Regeln für die Erhöhung der Sicherheit bestehender Fahrtreppen und Fahrsteige; Deutsche Fassung EN 115-2:2010


This European Standard contains rules for improving the safety of existing escalators and moving walks with the aim of reaching an equivalent level of safety for users, maintenance and inspection personnel, persons in the immediate vicinity of the escalator or moving walk, as well as authorised persons, to that of a newly installed escalator and moving walk by the application of today's state of the art for safety. This standard can be used as a guideline for a) national authorities to determine its own programme of implementation in a step by step process via a filtering process in a reasonable and applicable way based on the level of risk (extreme, high, medium, low) and social and economic considerations; b) owners to follow their responsibilities according to existing regulations (for example, use of Work Equipment Directive); c) maintenance companies and/or inspection bodies to inform the owners on the safety level of their installations; d) owners to upgrade their existing escalator or moving walk on a voluntary basis in accordance with c) if no regulations exist. This standard - categorises various hazards and hazardous situations, each of which has been analysed by a risk assessment; - is intended to provide corrective actions to progressively and selectively improve, step by step, the safety of all existing escalators and moving walks towards today's state of the art for safety; - enables each escalator and moving walk to be audited and safety measures to be identified and implemented in a step by step and selective fashion according to the frequency and severity of any single risk; - lists the high, medium and low risks and corrective actions which can be applied in separate steps in order to mitigate the risks. This standard contains the German version of EN 115-2:2010, which was prepared by Technical Committee 10 "Lifts, escalators and moving walks" of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). During the preparation of the standard, the national interests were represented by Working Committee NA 060-33-02 AA "Fahrtreppen und Fahrsteige" ("Escalators and passenger conveyors") of Technical Section Aufzüge und Fahrtreppen (Lifts and Escalators) of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of manufacturers and users of escalators and moving walks, as well as representatives of professional and trade associations were involved in the preparation of the standard.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 060-33-02 AA - Escalators and Moving Walks  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 10/WG 2 - Escalators and moving walks  

Edition 2010-12
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 109.50 €
Table of contents


Eray Gültekin

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6603-1661

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