DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering
Robotics - Safety requirements - Part 2: Industrial robot applications and robot cells (ISO/FDIS 10218-2.2:2024); German version FprEN ISO 10218-2:2024
This document has been created in recognition of the hazards that are presented by robots when they are integrated and installed into robot systems, robot applications and robot cells. Part 1 of ISO 10218 addresses robots as partly completed machines, while this document addresses robots integrated into complete machines (systems) for specific applications. It provides requirements for safety in the integration and installation of robots into robot systems and robot applications. The requirements include safeguarding of operators during integration, commissioning, functional testing, programming, operation, maintenance and repair.
Planned document number
DIN EN ISO 10218-2
Project number
Responsible national committee
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 310 - Advanced automation technologies and their applications
Responsible international committee
ISO/TC 299/WG 3 - Industrial safety
draft standard
Robotics - Safety requirements for robot systems in an industrial environment - Part 2: Robot systems, robot applications and robot cells integration (ISO/DIS 10218-2:2020); German and English version prEN ISO 10218-2:2020
Order from DIN Media