NA 060

DIN Standards Committee Mechanical Engineering

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Drafts of NA 060

Number: 167

DIN EN ISO 8437-2/A1 2023-12 Snow throwers - Safety requirements and test procedures - Part 2: Pedestrian-controlled snow throwers – Amendment 1 (ISO 8437-2:2019/DAM 1:2022); German and English version EN ISO 8437-2:2021/prA1:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 8437-4/A1 2023-12 Snow throwers - Safety requirements and test procedures - Part 4: Additional national and regional requirements - Amendment 1 (ISO 8437-4:2019/DAM 1:2022); German and English version EN ISO 8437-4:2021/prA1:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 16890-3 2023-12 Air filters for general ventilation - Part 3: Determination of the gravimetric efficiency and the air flow resistance versus the mass of test dust captured (ISO/DIS 16890-3:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 16890-3:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 13351 2023-12 Fans - Dimensions (ISO/DIS 13351:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 13351:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 29464 2023-09 Cleaning of air and other gases - Terminology (ISO/DIS 29464:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 29464:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 18623-1 2023-08 Air compressors and compressed air systems - Part 1: Air compressor safety requirements (ISO/DIS 18623-1:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 18623-1:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 13349-1 2023-08 Fans - Vocabulary and definitions of categories - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 13349-1:2022); German and English version EN ISO 13349-1:2022 More 
DIN EN ISO 13349-2 2023-08 Fans - Vocabulary and definitions of categories - Part 2: Categories (ISO 13349-2:2022); German and English version EN ISO 13349-2:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 4254-19 2023-08 Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 19: Feed mixing machines (ISO/DIS 4254-19:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 4254-19:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 23875/A1 2023-07 Mining - Air quality control systems for operator enclosures - Performance requirements and test methods - Amendement 1 (ISO 23875:2021/Amd 1:2022); German and English version EN ISO 23875:2022/prA1:2023 More