NA 001

DIN/VDI Standards Committee Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering

DIN ISO 13473-2 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN CEN/TS 15901-14 ; DIN SPEC 91218-14:2016-05 2016-05 Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 14: Procedure for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCN): ViaFriction (Road Analyser and Recorder of ViaTech AS); German version CEN/TS 15901-14:2016 More 
DIN EN ISO 11819-1 2024-10 Acoustics - Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise - Part 1: Statistical Pass-By method (ISO 11819-1:2023); German version EN ISO 11819-1:2023 More 
DIN EN ISO 13473-1 2021-11 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles - Part 1: Determination of mean profile depth (ISO 13473-1:2019, Corrected version 2021-06); German version EN ISO 13473-1:2019 More 
DIN EN ISO 13473-5 2010-04 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles - Part 5: Determination of megatexture (ISO 13473-5:2009); German version EN ISO 13473-5:2009 More 
DIN ISO 10844 2024-11 Acoustics - Specification of test tracks for measuring sound emitted by road vehicles and their tyres (ISO 10844:2021) More 
DIN ISO 13473-3 2004-07 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles - Part 3: Specifications and classification of profilometers (ISO 13473-3:2002) More 
DIN ISO/TS 13473-4 2009-02 Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles - Part 4: Spectral analysis of surface profiles (ISO/TS 13473-4:2008) More 
FGSV 622 ; M RR:2023 2023 Merkblatt für Randeinfassungen und Entwässerungsrinnen (M RR) More