NA 001

DIN/VDI Standards Committee Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering

DIN IEC 60651 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
BImSchV 18 1991-07-18 Achtzehnte Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Sportanlagenlärmschutzverordnung - 18. BImSchV) More 
GeräuschMessVV BB 1996-08-12 Leitlinie zur Ermittlung, Beurteilung und Verminderung von Geräuschimmissionen More 
MBV ; MBBO:1997-09-23 ; MBLärmSchV:1997-09-23 1997-09-23 Magnetschwebebahnverordnung More 
DIN EN 27574-1 1989-03 Acoustics; statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment; part 1: general considerations and definitions; (identical with ISO 7574-1:1985); german version EN 27574-1:1988 More 
DIN EN 27574-2 1989-03 Acoustics; statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment; part 2: methods for stated values for individual machines; (identical with ISO 7574-2:1985); german version EN 27574-2:1988 More 
DIN EN 27574-3 1989-03 Acoustics; statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment; part 3: simple (transition) method for stated values for batches of machines; (identical with ISO 7574-3:1985); german version EN 27574-3:1988 More 
DIN EN 27574-4 1989-03 Acoustics; statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment; part 4: methods for stated values for batches of machines; (identical with ISO 7574-4:1985); german version EN 27574-4:1988 More 
DIN VDE 0681-6 ; VDE 0681-6:1985-06 1985-06 Operating and testing devices for work and safe guarding on electrically energized systems with rated voltages exceeding 1 kV; voltage detectors to be used for overhead contact systems 15 kV, 16²/₃ Hz More 
DIN 45635-11 1987-01 Measurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission, enveloping surface method; internal combustion engines More 
AE Nr. 85 1998 Lärmminderung - Geräuschdatenblatt - Geräuschdatenblatt für die Beschaffung von Maschinen More