NA 057

DIN Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 10741
Analysis of honey - General guidelines for the ad hoc validation of analysis methods for organic residues or contaminants

Title (German)

Untersuchung von Honig - Allgemeine Leitlinien für die ad hoc-Validierung von Analysenmethoden für organische Rückstände oder Kontaminanten


This standard specifies procedural principles for an in-house ad hoc validation procedure for the analysis of honey for organic residues or contaminants. It applies both to product safety and health-related consumer protection. The single steps for performing the ad hoc validation procedure are described in the standard and general recommendations are given regarding the approach during the validation of non-validated analytical methods which require a quick provision of analytical results. If analytical results have to be achieved very quickly by a non-validated method, at least the requirements given in this standard shall be met to assure a sufficient accuracy of the analytical results at the targeted decision limit. This standard also describes the performance criteria for this in-house ad hoc validation procedure. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 057-05-08 AA "Honiguntersuchung" ("Analysis of honey") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 057-05-08 AA - Bee products  

Edition 2010-08
Original language German
Price from 65.70 €
Table of contents


Maike Makowski

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2222
Fax: +49 30 2601-42222

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