NA 057

DIN Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products

Standards [CURRENT]

Milk - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method) (ISO 1211:2010); German version EN ISO 1211:2010

Title (German)

Milch - Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes - Gravimetrisches Verfahren (Referenzverfahren) (ISO 1211:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 1211:2010


This International Standard specifies a reference method for the determination of the fat content of milk of good physicochemical quality. The method is applicable to raw cow milk, raw sheep milk, raw goat milk, reduced fat milk, skimmed milk, chemically preserved milk, and processed liquid milk. It is not applicable when greater accuracy is required for skimmed milk, e.g. to establish the operating efficiency of cream separators. ISO 7208 specifies a special method for skimmed milk products. An ammoniacal ethanolic solution of a test sample is extracted with diethyl ether and light petroleum. The solvents are removed by distillation or evaporation. The mass of the substances extracted is determined. This is usually known as the Röse-Gottlieb principle. For environmental reasons and reasons of safety at work in Germany professional and trade associations and trade control have prohibited an open evaporation of diethyl ether which is intended as one alternative method in this standard. Another option for risk reduction is provided by the substitution of diethyl ether by tert-butylmethylether (t-BME) in the same ratio. This deviation from the method shall be indicated accordingly in the test report. DIN EN ISO 1211:2010 will supersede edition 2001-11. Thereby the scope has been extended to cover also sheep and goat milk; the results of appropriate interlaboratory trials have been incorporated. The clauses normative references and sampling have been revised, the standard has been technically and editorially revised and supplemented and thus adapted to the currently valid design rules; furthermore the bibliography has been supplemented. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 057-05-13 AA "Milch und Milchprodukte - Probenahme- und Untersuchungsverfahren" ("Milk and milk products - Methods of sampling and analysis").

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 057-05-13 AA - Milk and milk products - Methods of sampling and analysis  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 302 - Milk and milk products - Methods of sampling and analysis  

Edition 2010-11
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 94.60 €
Table of contents


Mia Malorny

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2256
Fax: +49 30 2601-42256

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