NA 057

DIN Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products

Standards [Withdrawn]

Ground (powdered) paprika - Determination of total natural colouring matter content (ISO 7541:1989); German version EN ISO 7541:2010

Title (German)

Gemahlener (pulverisierter) Paprika - Bestimmung des vollständigen Gehalts an natürlichen, färbenden Substanzen (ISO 7541:1989); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 7541:2010


This standard specifies a method for the determination of the natural colouring matter content of ground (powdered) paprika. The first step of the determination is the extraction of the natural colouring matter content of ground paprika with acetone. The measurement of the absorbance of the solution obtained is performed using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 460 nm. The test method described in this standard is intended for the verification of quality-determining parameters and is applied in the fields of spice industry and food monitoring, within the framework of quality control. By applying this internationally standardized test standard, comparable test results can be obtained. This is important in trade to verify, for example, the agreed delivery specifications. The International Standard ISO 7541 has been adopted as a European Standard on the basis of a resolution by CEN/BT WG 162. The International Standard ISO 7541 has been prepared by ISO/TC 34/SC 7 "Spices, culinary herbs and condiments" (secretariat: BIS, India). CEN/SS C01 "Food products", the secretariat of which is held by the CEN Management Centre (CMC), is responsible for the European Standard. On the national level, the responsible Working Committee is NA 057-05-07 AA "Gewürze und würzende Zutaten" ("Spices and condiments") of NAL.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 057-05-07 AA - Spices and condiments  

Responsible european committee

CEN/BT - BT Technical Board  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 34/SC 7 - Spices, culinary herbs and condiments  

Edition 2010-05
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 50.70 €
Table of contents


Konstantina Döhring

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10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2434
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