NA 172

DIN Standards Committee Principles of Environmental Protection

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN ISO 50001
Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 50001:2011); German version EN ISO 50001:2011

Title (German)

Energiemanagementsysteme - Anforderungen mit Anleitung zur Anwendung (ISO 50001:2011); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 50001:2011


The general aim of this standard is to support organizations in establishing systems and processes necessary to improve their energy performance. By a systematic approach for establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system, the organization shall be enabled to achieve continual improvement of the energy management performance, energy efficiency and energy savings.
The standard describes requirements regarding energy supply as well as energy use and consumption including measurement, documentation and reporting, design and procurement practices for equipment, systems, processes and personnel that contribute to energy performance. This document applies to all variables affecting energy performance that can be monitored and influenced by the organization.
This standard has been designed to be used independently, but it can be aligned or integrated with other management systems. This standard is applicable to any organization.
The International Standard has been prepared by ISO project committee ISO/PC 242 "Energy Management". The committee responsible for this standard is Working Committee NA 172-00-09 AA "Energieeffizienz und Energiemanagement" ("Energy efficiency and energy management") at the Environmental Protection Standards Committee (NAGUS).

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 172-00-09 AA - Energy efficiency and energy management  

Responsible european committee

CEN/CLC/JTC 14 - Energy management and energy efficiency in the framework of energy transition  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 301 - Energy management and energy savings  

Edition 2011-12
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 102.10 €
Table of contents


Binderiya Amgalan

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2593
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