NA 176

DIN Standards Committee Health Technologies

DIN EN 12128 [CURRENT] references following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number EN 1619 Edition 1996-07 Title Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - General requirements for management and organization for strain conservation procedures More 
Document number EN 1620 Edition 1996-07 Title Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - Plant building according to the degree of hazard More 
Document number EN 61010-2-041 Edition 1996-03 Title Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-041: Particular requirements for autoclaves using steam for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes (IEC 61010-2-041:1996) More 
Document number EN 61010-2-042 Edition 1997-05 Title Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-042: Particular requirements for autoclaves and sterilizers using toxic gas for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes (IEC 61010-2-042:1997) More 
Document number EN 61010-2-043 Edition 1997-07 Title Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-043: Particular requirements for dry heat sterilizers using either hot air or hot inert gas for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes (IEC 61010-2-043:1997) More 
Document number ISO 4211 Edition 1979-09 Title Furniture; Assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids More