NA 032

DIN Standards Committee Gas Technology

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 1196
Domestic and non-domestic gas-fired air heaters - Supplementary requirements for condensing air heaters; German version EN 1196:1998

Title (German)

Gasbefeuerte Warmlufterzeuger für den häuslichen und den nicht-häuslichen Gebrauch - Zusätzliche Anforderungen an kondensierende Warmlufterzeuger; Deutsche Fassung EN 1196:1998

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 032-03-01 AA - Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Gas Utilisation  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 180 - Decentralized gas heating  

Edition 1998-07
Original language German
Price from 58.30 €


Sophia Hayen

Josef-Wirmer-Str. 1 - 3
53123 Bonn

Tel.: +49 228 9188-230

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