NA 032

DIN Standards Committee Gas Technology

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 12732
Gas infrastructure - Welding steel pipework - Functional requirements; German version EN 12732:2013

Title (German)

Gasinfrastruktur - Schweißen von Rohrleitungen aus Stahl - Funktionale Anforderungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 12732:2013


There is a complete series of functional standards prepared by CEN/TC 234 "Gas infrastructure" to cover all parts from the input of gas to the transmission system up to the inlet connection of the gas appliances, whether for domestic, commercial or industrial purposes. This document is a functional standard. This standard contains requirements for the production and testing of weld joints for the installation and maintenance of onshore steel pipelines and pipework used in public gas infrastructure, including in-service pipelines, for all pressure ranges. This standard also contains requirements for pipelines intended for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive natural gas and for the carriage of non-conventional gases such as injected biomethane, where: the pipeline elements are made of unalloyed or low-alloyed carbon steel; the pipeline is not located within commercial or industrial premises as integral part of the industrial process on those premises except for any pipelines and facilities delivering gas to such premises; the pipework is not located within household installations according to EN 1775:1998; the design temperature of the system is between -40 °C up to and including +120 °C. In preparing this standard a basic understanding of gas infrastructure by the user has been assumed. With regard to manufacture and testing of welds, this European Standard refers to the basic standards prepared by CEN/TC 121 and CEN/TC 138 and according to the state at the time of publication of this European Standard. CEN/TC 234 will continue its work updating this standard to the latest developments at regular intervals. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 032-02-08 AA "Werkstoffe und Schweißtechnik" ("Materials and welding") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 032-02-01 AA - Gas Transportation  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 234/WG 3 - Gas Transportation  

Edition 2013-07
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 156.50 €
Table of contents



Agnes Schwigon

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