NA 032

DIN Standards Committee Gas Technology

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 13786
Automatic change-over valves having a maximum outlet pressure of up to and including 4 bar with a capacity of up to and including 100 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures; German version EN 13786:2004+A1:2008

Title (German)

Automatische Umschaltventile mit einem höchsten Ausgangsdruck bis einschließlich 4 bar und einem Durchfluss bis einschließlich 100 kg/h für Butan, Propan oder deren Gemische sowie die dazugehörigen Sicherheitseinrichtungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 13786:2004+A1:2008


This European Standard defines the constructional and operational characteristics, the safety requirements and test methods, and the marking of automatic change-over valves having a maximum outlet pressure of up to and including 4 bar with a capacity of up to and including 100 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures in the vapour phase. This European Standard also covers safety devices likely to be fitted onto automatic change-over devices. The characteristics of these devices are described in Annex A. The requirements of this European Standard generally cover designs where regulation is in one stage, using a single diaphragm. These requirements do not exclude designs using more than one diaphragm, provided that these diaphragms are integrated in a single automatic change-over device and comply with the requirements of this European Standard. For specific uses in caravans and leisure vehicles, the automatic change-over devices function may also be carried out by an assembly of regulators, forming an automatic change-over devices system. This standard covers such a system as follows: - special requirements for the manufacture, adjustment and operation of regulators forming a automatic change-over devices system, as well as the corresponding test methods are given in Annex B; - except for these special requirements, and unless otherwise stated, constructional and performance characteristics given in the body of this standard are also applicable to the devices in Annex B. The requirements apply generally to automatic change-over devices used in locations where the temperature likely to be reached during use is between -20 °C and +50 °C. When the devices are used at temperatures outside this range they shall comply with the requirements defined in Annex C. This standard does not include the installation rules for automatic change-over devices. In this matter, reference should be made to national regulations in force in the member countries.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 032-03-04 AA - Liquefied petroleum gas  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 181 - Appliances and leisure vehicle installations using liquefied petroleum gas and appliances using natural gas for outdoor use  

Edition 2010-07
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 238.30 €
Table of contents



Aida Buco-Smajic

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