DIN Standards Committee Gas Technology
Construction elements in the gas supply system - Part 1: Requirements for construction elements in gas supply systems
This standard specifies requirements for components in systems for the pipeline-bound supply of gas to the public (gas supply systems). This standard does not apply to: — Gas installations within the scope of DVGW-TRGI 2008 'Technical Rules for Gas Installation' (DVGW Worksheet G 600); — Standard pressure equipment; — Compressor housings; — Components that are subjected to liquefied gas in the liquid phase. Standard pressure equipment falls under the Fourteenth Ordinance to the Product Safety Act (Pressure Equipment Ordinance – 14. ProdSV), in which the EU Directive RL 2014/68/EU (Pressure Equipment Directive – PED) is implemented into German law. Components that fall under the EU Directive RL 2014/34/EU (Explosion Protection Directive – ATEX 1) are subject to the requirements of this directive, which is implemented into German law by the Eleventh Ordinance to the Product Safety Act (Explosion Protection Ordinance – 11. ProdSV). Valves that fall under the EU Directive RL 2006/42/EU (Machinery Directive) are subject to the requirements of this directive, which is implemented into German law by the Ninth Ordinance to the Product Safety Act (Machinery Ordinance – 9. ProdSV).
Planned document number
DIN 30690-1
Project number
Responsible national committee
NA 032-02-04-04 AK - DIN 30690-1