NA 032

DIN Standards Committee Gas Technology


Gas infrastructure - Gas pressure control stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements; German and English version prEN 12186:2025


This document describes the functional requirements relevant for design, materials, construction, testing and operation of gas pressure control stations to assureensure their reliability in terms of safety of the station itself and the downstream system and continuity of service. This document is applicable for gas pressure control stations which are part of gas transmission or distribution systems for hydrogen, and hydrogen rich, and methane rich gases. Additional requirements in the case of gaseous fuels heavier than air and/or toxic or corrosive gases are not covered by this document. This document does not apply to gas pressure control stations in operation prior to the publication of this standard. However, Annex D of this document can be used as guidance for the evaluation of stations in operation prior to the publication of this document, regarding the change of the type of gas, e.g. repurposing for the use with hydrogen. The stations covered by this document have a maximum upstream operating pressure, which does not exceed 100 bar. For higher maximum upstream operating pressures, this standard can be used as a guideline. If the inlet pipework of the station is a service line and the maximum upstream operating pressure does not exceed 16 bar and the design flow rate is equal to 2000 kW based on the gross calorific value or less, EN 12279 applies. This document contains the basic system requirements for gas pressure control stations. Requirements for individual components (valves, regulators, safety devices, pipes, etc.) or installation of the components are contained in the appropriate European Standards. NOTE: For combined control and measuring stations, the additional requirements of EN 1776 can apply. The requirements in this document do not apply to the design and construction of auxiliary facilities such as sampling, calorimetering, odorization systems and density measuring. These facilities are covered by the appropriate European Standards, where existing, or other relevant standards. The requirements of this document are based on good gas engineering practice under conditions normally encountered in the gas industry. Requirements for unusual conditions cannot be specifically provided for, nor are all engineering and construction details prescribed. The objective of this document is to ensure the safe operation of such stations. This does not, however, relieve all concerned of the responsibility for taking the necessary care and applying effective quality and safety management during the design, construction and operation.





Planned document number

DIN EN 12186

Project number


Responsible national committee

NA 032-02-04-01 AK - Mirror Committee CEN/TC 234/WG 6  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 234/WG 6 - Gas pressure regulation  

draft standard

Gas infrastructure - Gas pressure control stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements; German and English version prEN 12186:2025
Order from DIN Media

previous edition(s)

Gas infrastructure - Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements; German version EN 12186:2014

Order from DIN Media


Wingkee Christine Li

Josef-Wirmer-Str. 1 - 3
53123 Bonn

Tel.: +49 228 9188-344

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