NA 027

DIN Standards Committee Optics and Precision Mechanics

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN 58208-4
Definitions and symbols of spectacle lenses in connection with the human eye; monocular system eye - spectacle lens

Title (German)

Begriffe und Zeichen bei Brillengläsern in Verbindung mit dem menschlichen Auge; Monokulares System Auge - Brillenglas

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 027 - DIN Standards Committee Optics and Precision Mechanics  

Edition 1979-07
Original language German
Price from 31.20 €


Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Elisabeth Beck

Alexander-Wellendorff-Str. 2
75172 Pforzheim

Tel.: +49 7231 9188-27
Fax: +49 7231 9188-33

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