NA 026

DIN Standards Committee Springs, Stamped Parts and Moulded Parts

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Projects of NA 026

Number: 5

ISO 19690-2 PRF AMD 1 2024-07-30 Disc springs - Part 2: Technical specifications - Amendment 1: Durability chart for not shot peened springs (group 3) More  Comment 
DIN 2099-3 2024-04-16 Helical springs made of round wire and rod - Part 3: Information to be given in order to obtain the hot formed compression spring required, printed form C More  Comment 
DIN 2099-2 2024-04-16 Helical springs made of round wire and rod - Part 2: Information to be given in order to obtain the cold formed tension springs required, printed form B More  Comment 
DIN 2099-1 2024-04-16 Helical springs made of round wire and rod - Information to be given in order to obtain the cold formed compression spring required - Part 1: Printed form A More  Comment 
ISO/CD 16249 2024-03-12 Springs - Symbols More  Comment