NA 023

DIN Standards Committee Ergonomics

DIN EN ISO 9241-12 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
VDE-AR-E 2757-4 2012-01 Staying at home service - Quality criteria for providers, services and products of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) More 
VDI 4700 Blatt 1 2015-10 Terminology of civil engineering and building services More 
VDI/VDE 3699 Blatt 1 2015-04 Process control using display screens - Terminology More 
VDI/VDE 3699 Blatt 2 2014-01 Process control using display screens - Principles More 
VDI/VDE 3850 Blatt 1 2014-04 Development of usable user interfaces for technical plants - Concepts, principles and fundamental recommendations More 
DIN EN ISO 14915-1 2003-04 Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces - Part 1: Design principles and framework (ISO 14915-1:2002); German version EN ISO 14915-1:2002 More 
DIN EN ISO 14915-2 2003-11 Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces - Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control (ISO 14915-2:2003); German version EN ISO 14915-2:2003 More 
DIN SPEC 91328 2016-02 Resource-saving application of methods and tools for the anthropocentric design of effective interactive IT systems More 
VDE-AR-E 2757-5 2015-02 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Requirements for the qualification of person working in the field of AAL More 
VDE-AR-E 2757-8 2014-12 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Process support for the technical implementation of assistant systems (ambient assisted technology) in homes and residential buildings More