NA 023

DIN Standards Committee Ergonomics

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 18040-3
Construction of accessible buildings - Design principles - Part 3: Public circulation areas and open spaces

Title (German)

Barrierefreies Bauen - Planungsgrundlagen - Teil 3: Öffentlicher Verkehrs- und Freiraum


This standard contains the principles for the design, execution and equipment of accessible transport and outdoor facilities in public circulation areas and open spaces. It contains, in addition to general design requirements specific requirements for the design of accessible transport and outdoor facilities. It also gives guidance for the design of accessible outdoor facilities that are not open to the public. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-01-11 AA "Barrierefreies Bauen (SpA zu ISO/TC 59/SC 16, SpA CEN/BT/WG 207)" ("Accessibility in the built environment (national mirror committee for ISO/TC 59/SC 16 and CEN/BT/WG 207)") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 005-01-11 AA - Accessibility in the built environment (national mirror committee for ISO/TC 59/SC 16 and CEN/BT/WG 207)  

Edition 2014-12
Original language German
Price from 109.50 €
Table of contents



Daniel Reinhard

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2248
Fax: +49 30 2601-42248

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