NA 023

DIN Standards Committee Ergonomics

Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 2058 Blatt 3
Assessment of noise in the working area with regard to specific operations

Title (German)

Beurteilung von Lärm am Arbeitsplatz unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Tätigkeiten


This standard has been prepared in the Acoustics, Noise Control and Vibration Engineering Standards Committee (NALS) in DIN and VDI by Working Committee NA 001-01-02-04 AK "Überarbeitung VDI 2058 Blatt 3" ("Revision of VDI 2058 Part 3") on behalf of the Working Committee NA 001-01-02 AA ("Geräuschimmission - Grundlagen, Ermittlung, Beurteilung") ("Noise immission - Principles, determination, rating"). The noise exposure at the work station depends on the noise emitted by the noise sources and the propagation conditions. Depending on the load and strain on the people working, noise can adversely affect health, performance and occupational safety to a greater or lesser extent. The term "health" is used in VDI 2058 Part 3 not only in the meaning of absence of illness but also in the sense physical and mental well-being. This directive shall illustrate the numerous influence factors and the effects currently known. For this, activity characteristics, load and stress are assigned to three sound level values as well as typical activities, as an orientation aid in the directive. Irrespective of the scope of the Work-place Ordinance, comparable conclusions can be drawn from this directive for all working areas. This directive is only concerned with audible sound, that is sound in the frequency range from 16 Hz to 16 kHz. The noise immission is evaluated based on the rating level, which shall be determined corresponding to DIN 45645-2. If necessary, further acoustic quantities and influence factors shall be considered. In individual cases, it can be necessary to analyse and assess the work operations with the relevant loads and strains separately based on the individual situations or particular requirements.

Responsible national committee

NA 001-01-02 AA - Noise immission - Principles, determination, rating  

Edition 2014-08
Original language German , English
Price from 93.80 €
Table of contents



Agnes Sayer

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2097
Fax: +49 30 2601-42097

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