NA 023

DIN Standards Committee Ergonomics

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 12924-4
Laboratory furniture - Fume cupboards - Part 4: Fume cupboards for pharmacies

Title (German)

Laboreinrichtungen - Abzüge - Teil 4: Abzüge für Apotheken


This standard specifies requirements and tests for special fume cupboards used in pharmacy laboratories in accordance with the Apothekenbetriebsverordnung (German Ordinance on internal regulations in pharmacies). They are called fume cupboards for pharmacies in short. The standard applies in conjunction with the European Standard series DIN EN 14175 (all parts) with the deviating regulations being specified in this standard. In particular dimensional requirements, materials to be used, construction, testing of the ventilation technology with retention capacity and robustness, design of media supply in the inside of the fume cupboard and marking of the fume cupboards for pharmacies are specified. The standard contains safety requirements in terms of the Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG) (German Device and Product Safety Act). The standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 055-02-01 AA "Abzüge und Laborlufttechnik" ("Fume cupboards and ventilation technology in laboratories") of the Laboratory Devices and Installations Standards Committee (FNLa). The following modifications have been made with respect to DIN 12924-4:1994-01: a) requirements have been adapted to DIN EN 14175-2; b) tests have been adapted to DIN EN 14175-3; c) requirements for the construction have been changed; d) safety glass has been deleted as material for the sashes; e) requirements for the cupboard function indicator and the media sampling points have been specified more precisely; f) the marking has been changed.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 055-02-01 AA - Fume cupbaords and ventilation  

Edition 2012-02
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 43.40 €
Table of contents


Peer Schrapers

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